Presidencia de la Nación

ANMAT Policies

ANMAT defines, documents and communicates its policies (1000-POL Políticas ANMAT), which are aligned with its vision and mission, and provide a reference framework for establishing its strategic objectives.

1. Safety, quality and efficacy
It is ANMAT's policy to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of drug products, medical devices, cosmetics and household sanitizing products, as well as to ensure the safety and quality of food, its packaging and the materials in contact with it.
ANMAT aligns itself with the public health policies laid down by the Ministry of Health of the Nation and the policies proposed by the World Health Organization, as related to the functions of the Administration.

2. Ethics and confidentiality
It is ANMAT's policy to maintain impartiality, independence and integrity in the performance of its activities, as well as to ensure that all the personnel know and adhere to the code of conduct and ethics and submit a declaration of conflict of interests.
ANMAT's policy is to ensure the protection of all the information considered confidential and the property rights of stakeholders, pursuant to current legislation.

3. Information security
It is ANMAT's policy to provide for IT security and an adequate use of technology, in respect of the processing of the information related to the users of the different technological resources available within the organization.

4. Access to public information
ANMAT is committed to promoting and providing for access to the information generated and obtained within the sphere of the Administration, in order to ensure transparency in its management, pursuant to Law 27 275 “Right to Access to Public Information” and the provisions established by the Access to Public Information Agency.

5. Citizenry participation
It is ANMAT's policy to identify, assess and implement various mechanisms for citizenry participation, in the understanding that interrelationship is a contribution to democratic governance.
For a democracy to consolidate and be enhanced, it is necessary for an informed citizenry to exist and have the capacity to participate in public debate.

6. Stakeholders' needs and expectations
It is ANMAT's policy to identify and evaluate all stakeholders' needs and expectations.

7. Social responsibility
It is ANMAT's policy to execute its functions within a framework of responsibility in respect of the impact its decisions and activities cause on society and the environment, by means of an ethical and transparent behavior that contributes to sustainable development, with a focus on society's health and wellbeing.

8. Cooperation, assistance and participation
It is ANMAT's policy to promote, develop and establish programs for cooperation and technical assistance with institutions in the country and abroad, and both national and international public and private organizations. With a view to strengthening its regulatory systems, the Administration designs and implements strategies (Good Reliance Practices) intended for regulatory convergence and intelligence. Furthermore, in the light of the advancement and complexity of new technologies, ANMAT resorts to consultancy with external experts to access specialization on particular matters.

9. Research and development
It is ANMAT's policy to implement research and development programs in fields related to the processes and products within the sphere of its competence, as a way of preserving its decision-making leadership. Moreover, ANMAT establishes ties with the academic and scientific sector and uses the knowledge thereby created.

10. Technological innovation
It is ANMAT's policy to identify and provide assistance to research projects and technological developments that are of interest for public health and considered innovative. All this with a view to responding to the regulatory challenges posed by innovation in the different health-related fields, in respect of accessibility to new therapies or diagnostic methods of ensured quality, efficacy and safety.

11. Human talent management
It is ANMAT's policy to promote and boost the knowledge, competences, skills, innovative creativity, motivation and commitment of all its personnel, with a view to continuously enhancing their human talent and personal qualities. It is in the understanding that ANMAT's success relies on the recognition of the value of the persons that make it up, that it commits itself to attaining their satisfaction, development and wellbeing.

12. Knowledge management
It is ANMAT's policy to facilitate knowledge management through a process whereby its personnel's information and skills are socialized, in such a way that they can be transmittable and generate accumulated knowledge, plausible of being learned, all of which can lead to organizational learning capacities.

13. Reliability and efficacy
It is ANMAT's policy to ensure that the services it provides to the community are reliable, efficacious and efficient.

14. Continuous enhancement
It is ANMAT's policy to ensure the periodic review of the Quality Management System and of the essential regulatory processes, in order to guarantee the continuous enhancement of processes and effectivity in all ANMAT's sphere of competence. ANMAT promotes participation in the evaluation of competences and inter and intra-laboratories comparisons and proficiency tests.

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