Presidencia de la Nación

Institutional relations

Global Privacy Assembly (GPA)

The Global Privacy Assembly’s (total of 119 authorities) aim:

  1. To be an outstanding global forum for privacy and data protection authorities.
  2. To disseminate knowledge and provide practical assistance to help authorities more effectively to perform their mandates.
  3. To provide leadership at international level in data protection and privacy.
  4. To connect and support efforts at domestic and regional level, and in other international forums, and to enable authorities better to protect and promote privacy and data protection.

This organization is led by an Executive Committee and is composed by numerous Working Groups that meet annually. Also, open meetings are held in which privacy experts from companies and civil society organizations participate.

Committee of Convention 108

This Convention is the first binding international instrument which protects the Individual against abuses that may accompany the collection and processing of personal data, while also, seeks to regulate the crossborderflow of personal data.

Established by Convention 108, the Committee is composed of representatives of Parties to the Convention plus by observers from other States (members and non-members, government or data protection authority), international organisations and non-governmental organisations. It is responsible for interpreting the provisions of the Convention, as well as easing its implementation.

The Committee meets in plenary session twice a year in Strasbourg, whilst its Bureau meets three times a year.

International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC)

The ICIC’s vision is to be the global forum which connects member Information Commissioners responsible for the protection and promotion of access to information laws in order to improve transparency and accountability to the benefit of everyone.

It aims to share knowledge and best practices, build capacity, help identify what is needed for global progress, and act as an international collective voice to guarantee people´s right to public information as well as their ability to hold bodies that provide public services accountable.

The ICIC Johannesburg Charter

Ibero-American Data Protection Network (RIPD)

The Ibero-American Data Protection Network (RIPD) consists of 33 Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) from countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean. Over the last decade, the organization has promoted the development of comprehensive data protection legislation and the introduction of data protection authorities throughout Latin America.

It has, among others, the purpose of promoting, maintaining and strengthening a close and permanent exchange of information, experiences and knowledge between actors of public and private entities. Also, the RIPD promotes the essential regulatory developments to guarantee advanced data protection regulations in a democratic context.

Standards for Personal Data

Transparency and Access to Information Network (RTA)

It is a network of organisms and public entities with supervisory functions in Transparency and Right of Access to Public Information. Its mission is to create a permanent space for dialogue, cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experiences between authorities in Latin America.

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