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Evidence of cassava common mosaic virus in cassava shoot apical meristems

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is an allogamous and highly heterozygous species.

Autores: Collavino, Agostina; Medina, Ricardo; Nome Docampo, Claudia; Zanini, Andrea Alejandra; Di Feo, Liliana Del Valle

For this reason, its seeds are not used for production purposes (Ceballos & de la Cruz, 2002); instead, plantations are established using stem cuttings. This feature, along with indiscriminate exchange of planting material without compliance with the corresponding phytosanitary protocols, has led to an ideal scenario for the spread of viral diseases. At least 19 viruses affecting cassava have been isolated worldwide, with cassava common mosaic virus (CsCMV) being the most widespread in Latin America (Lozano et al., 2017).

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