Presidencia de la Nación

Organization and authorities

Ministry of Health


Dr. Mario Iván Lugones

National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Devices

National Administrator
Dr. Agustina Bisio

Psychiatrist and Master´s of Arts in Public Health by University of Buenos Aires.

In 1992, she joined ANMAT as an evaluator and, ever since, she has forged a career that allowed her to lead, among other top management positions, the Office of Drugs Evaluation and Registration (2008-2011) and, since 2019, the Office of Clinical Research and Drugs Registration Management until her appointment as National Administrator.

During her hospital-based career, she worked in various healthcare institutions, namely, Ricardo Gutiérrez Children´s Hospital and José T. Borda National Hospital. Furthermore, she was an intern at the National Institute of Mental Health in Spain.

She gained teaching experience in well-known universities, such as University of Buenos Aires and Universidad Abierta Interamericana.

Her long professional experience in healthcare management awarded her recognition as a lecturer in various national and international spheres.

Deputy National Administrator

National Institute of Drugs (INAME)

Gabriela Carmen Mantecón Fumadó

National Institute of Food (INAL)

Mónica Alicia López

National Institute of Medical Devices

María Lorena Terrizano

General Office of Administration

Pablo Scagliarini

Office of Technical Information Management

Roberto Daniel Sierras

Office of Institutional Relations

Luis Rodrigo Piñeiro

Office of Legal Affairs

María Laura Do Carmo

Office of Evaluation and Monitoring of Health Products

Silvia L. Boni

Office of Human Resources

Mariano Matías Fernández

Coordination Office of Planning and Evaluation of Regulatory Processes Impact

Mónica Bobbi

Coordination Office of Inquiries

Patricia Verónica Ojeda

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