6 resultados para "federal social rate for gas and electricity"
Posse and Caputo received directors of the Italian electricity company EnEl
At the meeting, at Casa Rosada, the representatives of the firm expressed their expectations for the direction of the Government and the economic reforms that are being carried out, especially regarding the deregulations proposed in the Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of the Argentines law project for the energy sector. ... -
Argentinian Nuclear Power Plant
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica ... -
Davos: Positive Balance of the Government with Companies at the Forum
Representatives from international energy, natural resources, and pharmaceutical companies expressed their interest to expand their investments and operations in the country, with a focus on the Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of the Argentines law project aimed at creating favorable conditions for project development. ... -
Glosario de términos naúticos
Prefectura Naval Argentina ... -
Operaciones de concentración económica aprobadas en el tercer trimestre de 2023
La CNDC aprobó sin condicionamientos 18 operaciones a lo largo de los últimos tres meses ... -
Transición energética y tecnología: Royon presentó las redes inteligentes como herramienta del sistema eléctrico
La Secretaría de Energía reunió a referentes nacionales e internacionales en el Foro Smart Grids, una iniciativa para incorporar la tecnología digital a la gestión de la distribución eléctrica y conformar una matriz energética más competitiva y eficiente ...